Do you want to know more about the Ancestry Vs Family Tree Maker? Then this is just the blog you should choose to read as here we have explained everything you need to know. Moreover, if you need any further help you can always contact the Family Tree Maker Support Number. Our team of experts will assist you within no time making sure that you have all your FTM concerns resolved.
Ancestry Vs Family Tree Maker – Learning the Difference between Both
- Website vs. Software
- Subscribe vs. Purchase.
- Online vs. Offline
- Books and Charts – My Canvas vs. Publish
- Migration maps in Family Tree Maker
- Sync Differences
- Unique Features of Family Tree Maker
Website vs. Software
Ancestry Vs Family Tree Maker – First of all, you should know that the primary difference between Ancestry and Family Tree Maker is that is a website, whereas Family Tree Maker is software. Hence, a website like is found on the Internet and you can easily access it by using a web browser such as Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge.
Furthermore, FTM is a software which is install on the hard drive of your computer. Besides software is generally on a disc that you put into your computer and you can install or download from the internet. More program examples that you may have are Microsoft Office or Norton Security.
Subscribe vs. Purchase
Now you already know that is a website to which you would need to subscribe first in order to use it. Now just like a magazine or cable subscription is a recurring charge which happens at a specified interval until and unless you cancel it.
Also note that with your subscription you get access to the website’s records and other features like contacting other members.
FTM is a software which you would need to buy just like you would buy a television or a DVD. Hence you do not need to keep paying for the Family Tree Maker software. However, you can pay the support team in order to get unlimited help 24/7. We suggest that you use FTM with your Ancestry subscription so that you can get the most use out of it.
Online vs. Offline
Knowing that Ancestry is a website you should also know that you would need a good internet connection to be able to use it properly. If you do not have a proper internet connection then you should keep in mind that you cannot visit Moreover, you have your trees and pictures that you upload to Ancestry are store on our website.
Besides FTM is primarily stored on your computer therefore you can use it with an internet connection. But there are some features, like synchronizing hints or web searches cannot be used without the internet.
However, you can easily add people and other information to your Family Tree Maker without having an internet connection.
Books and Charts – My Canvas vs. Publish
Kindly, note that Ancestry has limited abilities to print out your family trees. You get to print up to four generations of the chart that you are looking at, a profile page, or a family group sheet. Besides you can also print out the records on your Ancestry.
‘My Canvas’ is known to take all the information in your family tree and then generate a book or poster according to the layout that you choose after which you can go ahead and customize it.
Did you know that FTM has publishing options, thirty-seven different charts and reports and a variety of customization abilities? Besides, these charts and reports can easily be include in a book. Also note that FTM books are not generated automatically therefore they are much more customizable.
Now after creating the book chart or report that you want you can go ahead and print it on your home printer or export your project to a variety of formats that you can take to a print shop and then have them printed professionally.
Sync Differences
You should know that there are various differences between your tree in Ancestry and your tree in FTM whenever you have a synced tree.
Uniqueness in FTM
Keep in mind that there are amazing features which are available only in FTM such as those mentioned below:
Backing up Trees
You must know that your family trees are essential this is because not only do they have your family history but they are also your hours of hard work and effort. Therefore remember that creating a regular backup to preserve the fruit of your toils is simply one of the best things you could choose to do in FTM.
If you want you could also find out more about how to make a backup in the Family Tree Maker program. This means that in case your original tree happens to get damaged or you want to revert it to an earlier copy then you can just restore it easily from the backup file.
Well, you now know that you can restore a tree from a backup. In fact, for better prospects, you can choose to have FTM back up your tree every time automatically when you exit the program. Doing so will help to make sure that you have the latest backup file in case your tree ever happens to get damage or lost.
Map Creation Management
With you can view maps that you created using other software. However, in FTM you can simply create your own maps within the program itself. Moreover, these maps can show all the events which took place at a certain location and also the people that are associate with each event.
To create maps you would just need to plot the migration routes of your ancestors, which then will reveal the journey your family has made over land and sea throughout ages.
Source Citations
Well, FTM and both are known to handle ‘Source Citations’ differently. So the online tree system limits a single citation to a single person. And FTM allows a single citation to be link to facts for a number of people.
You get to view a source citation on Ancestry only when it is include in an open fact currently. Besides, the ‘Sources’ tab of FTM lets you view and manage all the source citations simply in the complete tree.
Cleaning Duplicate Facts and Sources
You ought to know that there are tools which you can use to search for and remove duplicate individuals both on Ancestry and in FTM. However, you can still find and merge duplicate facts, sources and source citations automatically only in the FTM software.
Note’s Creation
You can also add personal notes to your Ancestry page nevertheless, in FTM you get to create a variety of notes like person, research, fact, relationship, media and source citation. So now whenever you upload a tree to Ancestry only personal notes will be included besides they can only be seen by people that you have invited to view our online tree.
More Export Options
Now if you would share your family tree with someone or you just want to open it in different software. Then gives you the offers of the possibility to export your entire tree in just one GEDCOM format.
With FTM, you can export all or just a part of your family tree in a choice of FTM formats. Do you know what this means? Well, you can now tailor when you export more closely to the needs of the person with whom you’re sharing.
Also, you should be aware that exporting a specific branch of your tree is so easy now. You just have to go to the ‘People workspace’ then select the person there whose family you would like to export, and now just right-click (for Mac: you should ‘Control-Click’) after doing so you just need to choose the ‘Export Branch’ option that is it.
Merge Trees and Branches
Did you know that one of the most inimitable FTM features is the ability to merge one tree or branch with another easily?
Printing Options
Kindly note that only FTM has a direct link to Family Chart Masters for printing pro-quality, large-format charts. Moreover, FTM for Windows is integrated with Charting Companion and Family Book Creator plug-in as well which helps to give you access to high-quality printing of different types of charts, reports and books.
Unique Tools
You must know that FTM comes with a range of handy practical tools which help to make managing your tree more accessible. These tools include three different types of calculators, options to compact files, convert names, sort children by birthdates and much more…
Organizing your Work
Well, the ‘Plan Workspace’ is create to help you organize your work by creating as well as managing tasks. Doing so helps to make the family tree-building process easier and more efficient.
We hope that you find all your answers to your queries and enjoy reading this blog. Nevertheless, if you would like to know more about the Ancestry Vs Family Tree Maker and their differences or you need help in using Ancestry and FTM you can feel free to contact our Family Tree Support Number at +1-888-427-8070 any time.