How to fix/repair a Tree file in FTM 2017 and FTM 2019 in simple steps?

If you want to Repairing a Tree File in FTM 2017 and FTM 2019 then you must come to the right place. Here, you will find the complete guidelines on how to repair a Tree file in FTM 2017 and FTM 2019. So, move ahead and in case of any issues related to the Tree file then do contact tech support for quick help.

NOTE: Before fixing the Family Tree maker tree, you must just restore the backup of the data that has been made before the damage. This is considered the best technique for recovering the file damage. Along with that, you should also know that the users of Family Tree Maker must use a reliable backup system. This should be used as a safeguard and if you don’t have any backup then must follow the steps mentioned below to resolve the damage.

Repairing a Tree File in FTM 2017 and FTM 2019

To compact the file, you need to first, close the file and then

  • Choose the close option mentioned in the file menu.
  • After doing so, you need to go ahead to the tool’s menu.
  • There, you must select a compact file.
  • After that, you must go ahead to the location of the respective file, pick it up, and then go ahead to open it.
  • You must then choose the perform extensive analysis checkbox mentioned in the compact file window.
  • After that, choose compact and then wait for some time for the compression.
  • Go ahead to the ok option and then you must continue this process till it drops out to 0.00%.
  • Finally, you must try to open the file again to see if the problem is still there or not.

To access the data from Ancestry, you need to follow the steps as follows

  • You must first of all, open the plan workspace and then go ahead to the new tree tab,
  • After doing so, you need to select the option to download and then select the tree, and then you need to go to the download tree button.
  • Next, you must assign a name to the respective new tree and then configure the sync parameters.
  • The download process will begin and thus, you can access it.

Tree browser that is only for Family Tree Maker 2019

  • You must choose the tree mentioned in the main toolbar or just, or you must select the view menu.
  • Next, go ahead to the tree browser and then finally, you need to find out the tree and select start download.

To download a tree that utilizes the Ancestry sync symbol

  • You must, first of all, choose the download from the Ancestry mentioned in the drop-down list by moving to the Ancestry sync button. It would be located at the far right of the main toolbar, so find it out and then move to the list.
  • There, you must select the tree and choose the download tree icon which you will easily find in the lower-right corner of the window.
  • Next, it will start downloading, and thus, the download tree will quickly launch automatically on the workspace tree tab of the people.

To export the file in GEDCOM form, you need to follow the steps as follows:

  • You must, first, move ahead to the file menu and then choose the export option.
  • After doing so, the export box will appear there, and then go ahead to the continue option.
  • You must properly look for the boxes and then pick the entire file quickly.
  • Next, you need to set the output format to GEDCOM.
  • Go ahead to the ok option and then choose the save option instantly.
  • Finally, you need to retrieve the file back.

Need some help?

If you need some help while repairing a Tree file in FTM 2017 and FTM 2019 then without any other thought, you need to reach the Family Tree Support Number at +1-888-427-8070 right now. They will help you relate to it so that you can easily get rid of such Tree file-related queries!

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