Are you trying to manage ‘Relationships’ in FTM 2019? If so, then this is just where you ought to be right now. You will learn to utilize the manage connections tool to categorize connections by kinds, like ‘Partner or Spouse, Adopted or Biological, etc, as well as relationships between parents and their children. Only with a few clicks, you can just switch between different relationship types for one connection at a time or even for multiple relationships simultaneously.
How to manage relationships in Family Tree Maker 2019 for Mac and Windows
Well, you have the ‘Manage Relationships’ tool in FTM 2019 which lets you manage relationships. In the following, you will learn how to manage multiple relationships at one time and also change different relationship types.
Opening your Tree
- First, you must make sure that your family tree is open in FTM.
Accessing the Manage Relationships Tool
- Go straight to the ‘Edit’ menu.
- And choose the ‘Manage Relationships’ tab.
Backing up Your Tree
- When prompted, you should create a full backup of your tree file. And whenever you make any significant changes it is always a good idea to back up first.
Selecting Relationship Type
- You just select the desired relationship type from the ‘Show Relationships’ drop-down box in the ‘Manage Relationships’ dialog.
- Now when you apply different criteria, you can also filter ties between parents and their children and relationships between spouses by using the ‘Manage Ties’ tool, included in these requirements are;
- Spouse or Partner – for couples
- Distinguish between biological ties and adopted ones.
- Plus extra!
- Whether it is for one relationship at a time or several at once you can easily switch between different types of relationships.
- For example; all couples with a marriage fact but a relationship type now is set to ‘Unknown’ can also be filtered.
Viewing Relationship Instances
- Remember that all relationships of the chosen type are shown in the ‘Relationship Instances’ list provided.
- Moreover, in the list header, the total number of instances is included as well.
Choose ‘Relationships to Update
- You need to check the box next to each relationship to alter the type of relationship.
- Remember that the ‘Select All’ checkbox can update every relationship in the list.
- If you need easy navigation, just click on the column headers (Person 1, Person 2, Parent and Child) and you can arrange the list of persons alphabetically.
Changing Relationship Type
- Just select the new relationship type you want to have for the selected relationships from the ‘Change’ selected relationships to this kind of pop-up menu.
Applying Changes
- Go to click on ‘Apply’.
- Keep in mind that updating connection types could take some time, particularly if you change them frequently. However, a progress indicator displays the process’s current state.
- Also, know that the chosen relationships are eliminated from the list after the modifications are completed. Furthermore, when you select the new relationship type from the ‘Show Relationships’ drop-down menu you can easily locate them once more.
Finish Up
- After you are done just click on the ‘Close’ button.
Some Best Practices for Relationship Management
Always bear in mind that effective genealogical research requires keeping trees in FTM 2019 accurate and also well organized. Hence in the following instructions you will learn just how you can achieve that.
- The full price of FTM 2019 is $79.95
- The Standard upgrade price is $59.95
- The special upgrade price is $49.95 currently available
Just go ahead and take your budget into account and choose the solution that best suits you.
Cloud Services by TreeVault
You must already be aware that Software MacKiev is now providing its Family Tree Maker 2019 users with a new cloud service which is call ‘TreeVault?’ yes and it has many amazing features as well.
- Emergency Tree Restore Service – This feature maintains a current copy of your tree in case something goes wrong such as a hard disk crash.
- Family Tree Maker Connect – this is a free mobile app that allows your most recent FTM tree even while your computer is off. It is available for iPad, iPhone, and soon for Android. Moreover, it is useful for displaying family members in your tree.
- Historical Weather – having over a billion historical weather records, Historical Weather FTM is known well to give your family history more color.
- Next of Kin – You get to choose a replacement for your TreeVault account so that your family tree can be passed on to the next generation.
Backup Plans
If you want continuous tree backups you can use the TreeVault Account, but you should take into account other backup strategies also. Moreover, Software MacKiev also advises that you should back up your FTM media folder using cloud file storage services such as Google Drive, DropBox, Microsoft OneDrive, or Apple iCloud. However, the size of the media folder could also determine additional storage fees.
Companion Guide
Moreover, if you would like comprehensive instructions on how to use FTM 2019, you can always go to the Companion Guide. The guide will assist you in comprehending the capabilities as well as the functionality of the software itself by covering a variety of topics. You just need to go to FTM’s ‘Help Menu’ and choose ‘FTM 2019 Companion Guide’ to start accessing the Companion Guide.
Continual Backups
You must always remember to make new and complete backups of your trees before you do any updates or upgrades. Doing so guarantees the security of your data and allows you to restore your tree when necessary.
Maintaining Software Updates
Keep in mind to update Family Tree Maker 2019 frequently to the most recent version. This is because updates address problems and also enhance performance. In addition, all the users using Mac or Windows can access FTM 2019. Also remember that consistent data entry, source citations, and cooperation with other family members are important to maintaining accurate and well-organized family trees.
The Bottom Line
More precisely, try and consider treating relationship alterations cautiously when you work with family history data. If you like you can view the official Software MacKiev support article for further detailed and comprehensive instructions.
We hope that now you know how to Manage Relationships in FTM 2019. Furthermore, if you require any additional help you can feel free to get in touch with Family Tree Support at +1-888-257-3335 any time. Or you could also connect with our specialist using Live Chat at Family Tree Maker Support.
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